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Register Now: Webinar on CYPs - Updates & Recommendations

Updated: May 13, 2022

This webinar has concluded. A recording of the event is available here (and below) and the deck presented at the webinar is available here. The event Q&A is available here.

Couple-Years of Protection (CYP) is an output indicator used by international organizations and country governments to monitor progress and measure performance of family planning programs and to make assumptions about family planning coverage. CYP is the estimated protection provided by family planning methods during a one-year period, based on the volume of all contraceptives sold or distributed free of charge to clients during that period.

In September 2020, the USAID Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) CYP Working Group was convened to lead a process of updating the CYP conversion factors. The Working Group recommended a literature review of 5 products, including the hormonal IUD, based on changes since 2011 in one or more of the underlying components of the conversion factors. Based on that review, CYP conversion factors were revised and published to the USAID website in August 2021. FHI 360, Avenir Health and PRH developed a brief, “Updated Couple Years of Protection: Literature Review, Guidance for Updating Existing Methods, and Adding New Methods", that synthesizes the evidence and provides detailed background information on the review process and calculation methodology.

In this webinar, representatives from USAID, FHI 360, and Avenir Health will:

  • Describe how CYP is calculated and how the indicator helps USAID measure program performance

  • Provide an update on new CYP conversion factors implemented in January 2022

  • Give recommendations on the appropriate data sources and use of the indicator

  • Discuss country dissemination, including with host government counterparts


  • Ellen Starbird, Director, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID

  • Tabitha Sripipatana, Health Science Specialist, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID

  • Amani Selim, Senior M&E Advisor, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID

  • Elena Lebetkin, Senior Research Associate, Product Development & Introduction, FHI 360

  • Emily Sonneveldt, Director, M&E and Advocacy, Avenir Health

More information on the CYP indicator and updated conversion factors, including the updated conversion factor for the hormonal IUD, is available from USAID here.

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